Tuesday, July 11, 2006

The Tao of Shit...Er Crap

In a song by "The Cowboy Junkies", the title of which I can't recall, she says (paraphrased no doubt)
In times of crisis a man falls back on what he knows best,
a thief to stealing, a...crap, I can't remember the stupid lyrics...

Watever. The point she's making in the song is, when shit get's bad we resort to whatever behavior wer'e the most familiar with. Lying, cheating, stealing...it's human nature. Truth. Deny it and I'll call you a liar.
Lack of faith in times of crisis is nothing new, hello, even Jesus was ...well,...asking why? If you go there. Lately, people are telling me "Just have faith it's all going to work out."
I didn't have it to BEGIN with, now your telling me I should? Oh, OK. It's that belief in a pupeteer like god that concerns me...you know who you are...as if god has nothing better to do that sit on her IKEA loveseat pulling strings! If I do this, than god will make that happen...or if I don't do...you get it.
I don't have that type of faith, sorry folks. I'm happy if that works for you, but please keep it away from me.

My faith, if you will, involves shit rolling downhill. It involves human nature, reaction to crisis and nothing more. It's about what I choose to do with what's presented to me. It's about side-stepping, if at all possible, the next load of shit.

If you will please, two possible scenarios
Scenario #1
"Is that a load of shit coming towards me...I can't tell, maybe it won't hit me...maybe it's not shit at all, maybe if it IS shit, it doesn't smell too bad. ...but I'm still not sure it's shit, and besides, it's definately not MY shit so it can't hurt me...karmically speaking. I'll just wait here and see if it hit's me..."

Scenario #2
"What the...is that a load of shit coming towards me?...I don't care who's shit it is...it's time to MOVE MY ASS OUT OF THE WAY!

There you have it. My kind of faith. Faith that I will know better the next time. That is, if I survive todays shit- storm.

It doesn't have to be an IKEA, It could be a Valentino...

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